Kendriya Vidyalaya No-2, Mangaluru, earlier known as Kendriya Vidyalaya Railway Colony, Mangalore, since its inception in 1992 has been striving hard to cater to the educational needs of the region. Situated at the educational city of Mangalore, it has attracted many students and parents for their dreams to come into reality.
The Vidyalaya due to its relentless service to the public is bestowed with a new abode, a fabulous building and aesthetic surroundings at yekkur during July 2011. The new school building and the other physical infrastructures are pivotal in our future endeavours to excel. Quality cent- percent results in examinations has been the hall-mark of the institution from its inception.The school is on an upgradation swing to accommodate classes from Balvatka to XII. The first batch of class X started in year 1996 & of XII in year 2013. Since then the students are bringing laurels to this school.
Recently our Vidyalaya has been selected under PM SHRI SCHEME. We will leave no stone unturned to implement all the activities/policies of the scheme. Coming to the academics, our school was at 6th place in the Bengaluru region. This year we are striving hard to be in the top 3. the current strength of the students is 840 as on 21/05/202 4
We are conveniently located just 10 minutes south of city centre of Mangaluru, with excellent public transport links.Ekkur is on the National Highway No. 66 about 5 km south of Mangaluru.The nearest Airport is Mangaluru.The nearest railway Station is Ekkur Junction and Mangaluru Central.
Our school provides excellent educational opportunity for the children, in and around Mangaluru, its neighbouring areas and also children from all over India and shape children to God-fearing, patriotic and responsible citizens.